FBL banner

Founded 1998


Celebrating 175 years of the opening of Barrow Haven station

1850   8th April   2025


Project Abraham: East Midlands Railway company is currently consulting stakeholders over proposed alterations in the timetabling of its services between Barton - Cleethorpes and Grimsby - Leicester with a view to improving service reliability for implementation from December 2025.

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FBL is a formally constituted Rail User Group which was inaugurated on 16th July 1998 to represent and lobby for the customers of the railway linking Barton Upon Humber and Cleethorpes in north-east England.  Our purpose is to promote and seek improvements to the services and infrastructure in order to stimulate better use of this valuable community asset.

We do this by communicating constructively with the local Train Operating Companies and other stakeholders, distributing timetables and publicity, interfacing with the public, and by running occasional special events that entail using the train.  We also strive to communicate with the various Local Authorities and Parish Councils along the route, maintain close links with the Lincolnshire branch of Railfuture, attend national conferences on railway policy, and participate in the Station Adoption Scheme.

We meet bimonthly in committee, either from 8pm at the White Swan inn at Barton interchange or from 7pm at the No.1 at Cleethorpes station.  The White Swan meetings are generally preceded from 6pm by a convivial group meal.  The times are convenient for members arriving on the 17:49 or 19:50 trains and departing on the 22:05 train.  Similarly the No.1 meetings are sometimes preceded by a meal from 4pm at the White Swan or Sloop inns before catching the 17:54 train for Cleethorpes.  Times can be subject to change though, so as always it is advisable to check before travel.

Our events are generally free and open to all but paid-up members enjoy several additional benefits.  These are outlined on the Support Us page on this site's menu.  If you are interested in joining us then please fill in the application form within the Support Us page.


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You must be aged 18 years or more and physically resident in the UK.

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Please note that, while every effort is made to ensure that all the information provided on this site is accurate, the Friends of the Barton Line cannot accept responsibility for any consequences arising therefrom.  Our hosting site 'Voice' is in no way responsible for any information provided on this site.


Copyright © Friends of the Barton Line 2011 - 2025

No part of this web site may be reproduced other than for personal use without the written permission of the Webmaster.