The Barton Town Council minutes from 5th April includes the following:

" (iii) Councillor N Jacques gave appraisal of the proposed improvement works to the town’s railway station and gave report of the latest meeting of the group (item 10); "

"(b) Barton Cleethorpes Community Rail Partnership

Councillors N Jacques and A Todd had both attended the latest meeting of the group and Councillor Jacques had already given an appraisal of the meeting

(min ref: 321(10(iii)/133 above refers). It was stated that external grants were available for the group to undertake the improvement works. It was agreed and


that the town council send a letter of support in principle to the partnership, regarding the proposed improvement works to Barton Railway Station. Outcome of the grant applications the group were to apply for would determine whether the town council would look into the matter further at a later date. "

Not clear what exactly is being considered

Posted by Anthony Berridge on

The main issues are to extend the car park into Network Rail's grassed area to the east of the station and to re-instate some public conveniences.  There may be some other minor issues but I'll have to consult my paper notes when I return from Surrey next week.