Thanks for the information. This has provoked the even more concerning thought that wheelchairs will also be unable to be carried. Even if selective door opening could be brought into operation, there would still be an issue with at least one of the two groups as cycles and wheelchairs have their designated spaces at opposite ends of a class 185.
I shall contact Northern to see if anything can be done to mitigate this situation or preferably remedy it.
Appologies for the delay, this is on my part and not Northern's. I have received the follow reply on this matter:
"Cycles can be carried in the vestibule but they do need to be booked on board as per TPE’s policy.
If wheelchairs cannot be conveyed then we will get an accessible taxi for the customers, this can be obtained through our contact centre in Sheffield."
It has also been clarified that booking cycles can be done on the TPE website.
Facebook FoBL, please could you pass these on to the disgruntled cyclists, assuming they used Facebook to contact. Likewise Anthony if you see the ones that you know.