Tu 27/10/2020
09:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 3 down, Goxhill 9 down, Thornton Abbey 11 down, Grimsby Docks 14 down, terminated Cleethorpes 12 down
10:55 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 6 down, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down
11:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 5 down, Grimsby Docks 6 down, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down
13:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 4 down, Grimsby Docks 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
16:55 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 1 down, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 5 down
19:00 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 5 down
W 28/10/2020
10:55 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 4 down - awaiting delayed 08:19 Manchester Piccadilly - Clethorpes which was delayed at Doncaster and subsequently followed the 09:42 Doncaster - Scunthorpe stopper as far as Thorne. Left Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 5 down.
13:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 3 down, Grimsby Docks 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
20:01 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, Grimsby Docks 3 down, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down
Th 29/10/2020
09:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 4 down, Grimsby Docks 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 5 down
13:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 3 down, Grimsby Docks 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
F 30/10/2020
09:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, Grimsby Docks 6 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down.
13:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 2 down, Grimsby Docks 7 down, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down
Sa 31/10/2020
06:56 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 4 down, Grimsby Docks 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
08:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 5 down - awaiting delayed 07:08 Sheffield (vice Manchester Airport - no driver) - Cleethorpes which started late from Sheffield. Left Goxhill 8 down, terminated Barton 10 down
09:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 7 down, Grimsby Docks 8 down terminated Cleethorpes 7 down
10:55 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 4 down - awaiting delayed 08:19 Manchester Piccadilly - Cleethorpes which started late from Piccadilly due to a set swap with a late running service from Hull Paragon at Piccadilly, itself delayed following a biomass train through Huddersfield. Left Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 6 down.
11:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 5 down, Grimsby Docks 8 down, terminated Cleethorpes 9 down
12:55 Cleethorpes - Barton cancelled - no driver