Tu 04/5/21
14:55 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 6 down, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 5 down
W 05/5/21
05:59 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Habrough right time, Goxhill 7 down, terminated Barton 6 down
F 07/5/21
15:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 2 down, Grimsby Docks 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
21:04 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 9 down (unit fault), Goxhill 8 down, terminated Barton 7 down
Sa 08/5/21
13:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 2 down, Grimsby Docks 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 5 down
15:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 2 down, Grimsby Docks 4 down, terminated Cleethorpes 5 down
M 10/5/21
14:55 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 14 down - awaiting delayed 12:18 Manchester Piccadilly - Cleethorpes which started late from Piccadilly. Its outward working was a late start from Cleethorpes (Scunthorpe - Doncaster permantent way train encountered technical difficulties around Keedby, Cleethorpes - Manchester held at Cleethorpes until the freight was moving) and hence routed behind a Hope Valley stopper from Sheffield. Left Goxhill 15 down, terminated Barton 14 down
15:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 13 down, Grimsby Docks 13 down, terminated Cleethorpes 13 down
16:55 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 4 down, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 4 down
F 14/5/21
19:00, 21:04 Cleethorpes - Barton cancelled - no driver
Sa 15/5/21
18:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 1 down, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 5 down
Su 16/5/21
11:10 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, Grimsby Town 5 down (lost 3 minutes stood here), New Clee 4 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
13:07 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Stallingborough 1 down, Habrough 4 down (held to allow delayed 11:19 Manchester Piccadilly - Cleethorpes to pass which had lost time around New Mills due to animals on the line), Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 3 down
18:07 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, New Clee 6 down (delayed between Cleethorpes and New Clee by a tresspass incident), Goxhill 10 down, terminated Barton 9 down
19:06 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 5 down, New Clee 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down