M 17/5/21
10:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Stallingborough 1 down, Habrough 7 down, Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 5 down
Tu 18/5/21
20:08 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 1 down, Ulceby 1 down, Habrough 7 down, New Clee 6 down, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down
Th 20/5/21
06:10 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 4 down
09:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, New Clee 6 down, terminated Cleethorpes 7 down
10:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 7 down, Goxhill 14 down, terminated Barton 14 down
11:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 13 down, New Clee 15 down, terminated Cleethorpes 15 down
12:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 11 down, Goxhill 15 down, terminated Barton 15 down
13:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 15 down, New Clee 16 down, terminated Cleethorpes 16 down
14:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 12 down, Goxhill 13 down, terminated Barton 13 down
15:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 11 down, New Clee 12 down, terminated Cleethorpes 11 down
16:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 7 down, Goxhill 8 down, terminated Barton right time (clear error in TRUST entry)
17:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, Goxhill 4 down, pined Grimsby Town 3 down (failed train - MD below solebar)
18:57 Cleethorpes - Barton started right time from Grimsby Town - failed train. Left Goxhill right time, terminated Barton right time
F 21/5/21
08:56, 10:56 Cleethorpes - Barton cancelled - door fault
Sa 22/5/21
06:40 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 4 down, Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 8 down
Su 23/5/21
18:07 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Goxhill 8 down, terminated Barton 8 down
19:06 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, New Clee 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes right time (erroneous manual TRUST entry at Cleethorpes)
Tu 25/5/21
14:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 4 down, Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 6 down
15:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 4 down, New Clee 10 down, terminated Cleethorpes 9 down
16:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 6 down, Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 6 down
17:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 3 down, New Clee right time, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down
W 26/5/21
10:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 3 down
15:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, New Clee 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 5 down
Sa 29/5/21
09:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 4 down, New Clee 6 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
11:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 1 down, New Clee 6 down, terminated Cleethorpes 6 down
13:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, New Clee 9 down, terminated Cleethorpes 9 down
14:54 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 5 down, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 6 down
15:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 1 down, Ulceby 2 down, Habrough 8 down, New Clee 9 down, terminated Cleethorpes 8 down
Su 30/5/21
14:06 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 1 down, Grimsby Town 8 down (stood here 6 minutes), New Clee 8 down, terminated Cleethorpes 8 down
15:05 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 4 down, Goxhill 9 down, terminated Barton 7 down
19:06 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, Grimsby Town 6 down (stood here 7 minutes), New Clee 11 down (stood here 6 minutes), terminated Cleethorpes 6 down (manual entry - either this or the berth data leaving New Clee is incorrect).
M 31/5/21
Full service cancelled apart from 21:04 return trip from Cleethorpes - failed train
Tu 1/6/21
13:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton right time, Grimsby Town 6 down (stood here 7 minutes), New Clee 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 5 down
14:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 9 down, Goxhill 8 down, terminated Barton 7 down
W 2/6/21
09:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 1 down, New Clee 6 down, terminated Barton 7 down
F 4/6/21
06:10, 08:56, 10:56, 12:56, 14:56, 16:56, 18:57, 21:07 Cleethorpes - Barton cancelled - depot operating problem
Su 6/6/21
14:06 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 34 down, New Clee 35 down, terminated Cleethorpes 34 down
15:05 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 31 down, Goxhill 34 down, terminated Barton 33 down
16:11 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 20 down, New Clee 20 down, terminated Cleethorpes 20 down
18:07 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 2 down, Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 5 down
M 7/6/21
16:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes right time, Grimsby Town 11 down (stood here 12 minutes), Goxhill 11 down, terminated Barton 11 down
17:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 7 down, New Clee 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 4 down
Tu 8/6/21
08:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 1 down, Goxhill 5 down, terminated Barton 3 down
09:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 4 down, New Clee 5 down, terminated Cleethorpes 5 down
10:57 Cleethorpes - Barton lef Cleethorpes 5 down, Thornton Abbey 9 down, terminated Barton 8 down
11:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 9 down, New Clee 13 down, terminated Cleethorpes 13 down
12:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 11 down, Thornton Abbey 11 down, terminated Barton 12 down
13:54 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 9 down, New Clee 7 down, terminated Cleethorpes 7 down
Th 10/6/21
16:56 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 1 down, pined New Clee 1 down - failed train (code MD - below solebar)
18:57, 21:07 Cleethorpes - Barton cancelled - failed train
F 11/6/21
18:57 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 11 down, Goxhill 15 down, terminated Barton 4 down (clear data entry error on the Barton arrival time here)
Sa 12/6/21
11:50 Barton - Cleethorpes left Barton 3 down, New Clee 6 down, terminated Cleethorpes 5 down
18:56, 21:04 Cleethorpes - Barton cancelled - no driver
Su 13/6/21
15:05 Cleethorpes - Barton left Cleethorpes 3 down, Goxhill 6 down, terminated Barton 3 down
18:07 Cleethorpes - Barton cancelled - failed train (code M8 - above solebar)